शुक्रवार, 31 अक्टूबर 2014

Life begins

Bright light and clear thoughts are many
But the vision is slightly blurred!

Hops to jump
fall on the bump.

Places to go
but the road is no more.

It is clearly a block
And the life is stalked

May be the dream ends
And life begins!

Dr Kiran Bala


बुधवार, 20 अगस्त 2014

After Many days

Thought of writing today after many-many days.
mind is fresh and at rest
many things to reveal
many talks to share.
There is no respite
from whatever I fear.

Long queues of my own
And many of them just not known
Life is moving at its own pace
Leaving behind who is not in the race.
Lots to achieve and much to give
what matters the most
is what all you did.

miles to go and peaks to reach
Always there is fear of trust when breached.
No matter who is with you all times
you achieve what is in your mind.