शनिवार, 1 सितंबर 2018


Three in the morning
I am awake!

Think of the mother
who is seventy-eight

What she must be doing?
perhaps sleeping alone.

Is she dreaming of future
Or all has gone.

she may be weeping aloud
I am awake!

Remembering someone
Her knees are sore
and legs little bent
Hearing is slow
And back stooping a bit.

Gone are the days, when she read a lot
Now using glasses even shadows are black.

she is all alone!
counting beads of desire
Thoughts are distant
and life little far.
I am awake!

There is desire to talk
but lips are stuck.
brightness of eyes
and dimness of lust.
Has given red signal.

Walker is her dear friend
and loneliness a companion
Steps of life are standing at one
Heart filled with sorrow and no where to go.
I am awake!

Dr Kiran Bala