शुक्रवार, 17 जुलाई 2009

दिल की बात 24

दिल की बात
इतने बरेह जहाँ में
थेःकिउ खर्रेह अकेले
कोई ना साथ अपने
कैसे हे जग के मेलः
यूं तो मिला हे सब कुछ
सूकून कम हे
छोटी सी जिंदगी में
मन में हज़ार गम हे
डॉ किरण बाला

1 टिप्पणी:

  1. Dear Dr. Kiran, Thank you for sharing!
    "akeeleh' I focussed on this word. I can see the lonliness in it. But we are made for each other by God. In the bond of relationship with God and my neighbour only can this akeelahpun can be over come. There is passage in the Bible 1 Cor 12 chapter which describes the unity and bonding and dependency.
    "Maan meh hazar gum heh" Any kind of sorrow is painful and it is difficult to understand why? But trust in God's goodness can only overcome any pain.
    The true story of Horatio G. Spafford demonstrates this type of faith in God's goodness. Spafford wrote the familiar hymn, "It is Well with My Soul" in 1872 after his four daughters drowned, soon after his own financial bankruptcy.

    He, somehow, held onto the fact that despite the outward circumstances, God was good. He wrote, "And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight."

    He knew that his faith was not in vain, and that someday he would see the meaning and purpose of all the tragedy surrounding his life at that moment.

    For myself I think my greatest lesson of faith has been in the acknowledgement that God is good—all the time. Oswald Chambers wrote, "Faith by its very nature must be tested and tried.

    And the real trial of faith is not that we find it difficult to trust God, but that God's character must be proven trustworthy in our own minds."

    Congratulations!! Thank you for speaking from the heart. You have touched how fragile human life is, and with so much of pain and sorrow.
    God Bless
    Richie & Latha

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